How Long do Bearded Dragons Live

how long do bearded dragons live

The bearded dragons live about 3 to 8 years in the wild, with a shorter lifespan than in captivity because there is more risk of food shortage, maybe the environment is not appropriate, and may the baby dragon become a meal of any predator. Moreover, there is more harm in the wild as compared to captivity which reduces the lifespan of bearded dragons in the wild.

Bearded dragon’s lifespan in captivity

The bearded dragons live about 3 to 8 years in the wild, with a shorter lifespan than in captivity because there is more risk of food shortage, maybe the environment is not appropriate, and may the baby dragon become a meal of any predator. Moreover, there is more harm in the wild as compared to captivity which reduces the lifespan of bearded dragons in the wild.

Bearded dragon’s lifespan in captivity

Typically, in captivity, the bearded dragon’s lifespan ranges from 8 to 15 years depending on the care and environment they are provided with. Bearded dragons have a longer lifespan in captivity as compared to the wild because there is less fear of predators, they are provided with extra care, a healthy and nutritious diet, and good companions to enjoy their life.

Factors that influence the bearded dragon’s lifespan How long do bearded dragons live

Many factors affect the lifespan of bearded dragons as well as the way the beardies live a healthy life. Some factors that are not under your control are:
⦁ Genetics
⦁ Gender
⦁ Size

Genes also define how long the bearded dragons live. In terms of gender, most male beardies live more than females because they go less under internal conditions while females also have to lay eggs that affect their health and ultimately lifespan. Moreover, the size or length of the bearded dragon also influences its lifespan. Larger beardies live longer as compared to shorter ones.
While the factors that you can control and manage to enhance the lifespan of your bearded dragon are as follows:

⦁ Diet
⦁ Habitat
⦁ Health status
⦁ Hygiene level
⦁ Stress level


Diet is the main factor that affects everybody’s health which then defines the lifespan. Your bearded dragon’s health and lifespan also depend on the diet and feed they are provided with. What should you give to your beardies in the diet?

  • The best option of diet for bearded dragons is insects that are the favorite meal of beardies, Dubia roaches, hornworms, butter-worms, and crickets must be included in their diet and never give fireflies, bees, wasps, and kitchen roaches to your beardies
  • Leafy greens are also healthy for your beardies. The green vegetables must include turnip greens, mustard greens, and collard greens
  • The fruits can also be given to beardies but in the appropriate amount, including kiwis and berries
  • For baby or juvenile beardies, the percentage of insects should be 80% and leafy greens should be 20% because they need more protein in their growth and development period. Fruit should be excluded from their diet
  • However, adult beardies need less protein as compared to baby bearded dragons because their body is properly developed and mature now. Meanwhile, little fruit can be given too along with a regular diet
  • Never give the food items that pose harmful effects on bearded dragon’s health like mushrooms, onions, and avocadoes.
  • Supplements should also be included in your beardie diet like calcium powder that can be mixed into a bearded dragon’s regular diet


Exotic creatures like bearded dragons like to live in dry and amid conditions that are suitable for their body health. So, the tank in which you keep your beardies should have proper arrangements like:

  • First, the size of the tank should be appropriate and large almost 40 gallons of tank is suitable for larger beardies to stay and live there calmly
  • The substrate or flooring of the tank should not include any harmful subjects like carpets or tiles that can lead to severe health outcomes or even death if ingested by the bearded dragons
  • Proper heat, lighting, and ultraviolet rays are needed for beardies and must be provided in the tanks
  • Also, check the temperature of the tank on and off. It should not be too hot or too cold for your beardies otherwise they will get uncomfortable. The normal temperature in Fahrenheit ranges from 80 to 100
  • Try to keep another fellow or companion for your beardie to socialize with, play with, and enjoy a happy life

Health status

The health status of your beardies depends on the care you provide to them. Health is necessary to lead a quality life and it determines how long do bearded dragons live

  • If your beardie is suffering from any health issue go for a quick checkup, give medications at a time
  • Also, check for the reasons behind that illness and remove them from their daily life to prevent future chances of illness
  • Schedule a monthly veterinary visit to know about the health status of your bearded dragon and to diagnose if there is any risk of a health issue
  • You must know about the infections your bearded dragon suffers from and what care is needed to prevent and reduce them
  • The common illnesses of bearded dragons include digestive issues, respiratory problems, internal and external parasites, metabolic bone disease, dehydration, and eye infections

Hygiene level

Hygiene is very important for a healthy life. Much of the infections and diseases are gone when maintaining the hygiene level for beardies. The following hygiene regimens should be included in your bearded dragon’s routine:

  • Your hands should be clean and free of germs and parasites before and after handling or feeding the bearded dragons
  • The tank or the habitat of beardies should be cleaned daily and extra things should be removed
  • Bathe your beardie twice a week
  • Remove the leftovers of meals from the tank after feeding the beardies so that the parasites can be avoided

Stress level

How long do Bearded dragons live can also go under stress due to various reasons

  • One of the reasons is loneliness, if they are kept alone for a long time, they are unhappy and their stress level is increased
  • The continuous illness will also increase the stress of beardies and they will show odd behavior
  • The signs and symptoms that show your beardie is under stress include, becoming lazy and aggressive, refusing food, fights with other fellows, or biting you.
  • Some extra care is needed to manage the stress levels of bearded dragons. Your love and care will change your beardies mood.
  • Provide the food that your beardie eats happily to make it relax and calm


The natural lifespan of a bearded dragon can go from 8 to 12 years.How long do bearded dragons live But with extra care and love, you can enhance your beardies’ health status as well as lifespan. As, life is dependent on a balanced diet, care, and health, these factors should be kept in mind while taking care of your beardie

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