Cat Drooling: Symptoms, Reasons, and Treatment

Cat Drooling

Drooling is also called as hypersalivation, a condition in which more saliva is produced and is released out of mouth instead of swallowing. Drooling in dogs is more common but some cats can also drool and it depends on various factors.

Can Cats Drool

Cat drooling is somehow normal when it salivates in conditions like happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction. Your kitten can also drool if feeling any discomfort or grief. There are many reasons due to which your pet cat drools which may include various health issues dental diseases, mouth trauma, or ingesting any toxin.

Why is My Cat Drooling?

Cats drool in various situations which can be normal and other may be abnormal.

Normal Conditions of Cat Drooling


Sometimes cat drooling is not a sign of danger as your kitten drools while kneading. Kittens drool when knead paws on their mothers during feeding as they feel happy and calm and this behavior stimulates more milk production and also strengthens the bond between mother and kittens.


Your cats can also drool when purring and it is a gesture of relaxation and love form them towards you. Moreover, like dogs, some cats start drooling after smelling and seeing their favorite meals and it is also normal and not needs any attention.


Your kitten can also drool while sleeping as it feels relaxation and coziness if sleeping in a comfortable environment.


Temporary Fear or Anxiety

Occasionally, temporary fear and stress also cause cat drooling like if you took your kitten to drive, or loud music for the first time, it may drool in anxiety but once the fear is over, it will stop cat drooling and behaves normal. However, if your cat drools or over-salivates regularly it may be alarming and there is need of veterinarian consult.

Cat Drooling

Abnormal Conditions of Cat Drooling

Cat drooling is considered abnormal if your kitten drools regularly for a long time period which is not a gesture of relaxation and satisfaction. But it is a sign of concern and needs consultation of your veterinarian. Some conditions of cat drooling which are abnormal are:

Dental and Oral Health Issues

If your kitten is suffering from any dental issue and it remained ignored for a long time, cat drooling may start which will be extreme and regular. Like if your pet cat is suffering from tooth-ache and injury, swollen gums, infections, or mouth ulcers, it can start unnecessary cat drooling that is alarming.

So, consult your veterinarian immediately for proper treatment. Medications like antibiotics lessen the oral infections and procedures like tooth cleaning and extraction are recommended.

Oral Injury and Trauma

If your cat faces any oral injury, trauma or burn it can lead to hypersalivation or cat drooling. These oral injuries may occur due to cat fighting or chewing any electrical codes which cause oral burn. If you notice any of these symptoms in your kitten consult your veterinarian immediately.


If your pet kitten is suffering from some health conditions like GIT diseases, kidney disorders, or gastric parasites, it will feel nausea or vomit. Nausea and vomiting in cats also cause unnecessary cat drooling.

You cannot find out the reason of nausea and cat drooling without consulting a good veterinarian. He will do lab tests and other diagnosis to detect the causes and then can treat it well.

Toxin Exposure

If your kitten ingests any toxin like harmful chemicals, poisonous materials, or toxic foods, excessive cat drooling will start in result. Licking or intake of pesticides or herbicides by your kitten can also prove dangerous and leads to cat drooling. If you witness ingesting some toxins by your cat, consult the veterinarian for proper treatment.

Foreign Body

If a foreign body stuck in your kitten mouth like string, grass, or any broken plastic or toy, it can cause cat drooling. To remove the foreign particle, visit the veterinarian and don’t pull it out by yourself.


If your per cat is on medications like bitter chewing tablets or syrups

due to some health conditions, it can cause excessive cat drooling.


If your cat is suffering from heatstroke due to extreme hot weather, it can start hypersalivation or cat drooling as a symptom of heatstroke. Take your cat to a cool place and provide beverages and other fluids to minimize the symptoms of heatstroke.

Cat Drooling

When to Worry About Cat Drooling

If cat drooling is a new and sudden behavior shown by your kitten, or it is excessively shown regularly by your pet cat, it is an alarming sign and there is a need to consult veterinarian.

Cat Drooling and Not Eating

If your cat is drooling and not eating anything even its favorite meal, it may be due to some oral health conditions, oral injury, nausea, or other GIT issues.

Cat Drooling Alot but Eating

If your pet cat is drooling excessively but is eating normally, it may be less alarming because the pain or health condition may not be severe which less affects your kitten health and eating habits.

Cat Drooling Before Death

If your cat drools unnecessary and feels laziness, fatigue, stress and then dies suddenly it may be a sign of severe health condition your cat was suffering from like poisoning, respiratory issues, kidney diseases, or cancer.


Cat drooling is sometimes considered normal if it is for minimum time period and shows the feelings of happiness, relaxation, and comfort in your pet cat. If your cat drools regularly and excessively due to some health conditions like kidney problems, GIT issues, medications, and oral trauma, it is alarming and needs veterinarian consultation.

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