Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes

can bearded dragons eat tomatoes

Since the bearded dragons are omnivores, they can eat both animal and plant-based diets. A limited amount of fruit can also be a part of their diet, tomato is one of them.
Although tomatoes are easily available and inexpensive, these are juicy and tasty and a part of a human’s healthy diet but can bearded dragons eat tomatoes as their regular diet, or are the tomatoes healthy for your beardies

Are tomatoes safe to eat for bearded dragons

Bearded dragons can eat a variety of fruits, including tomatoes but not in large amounts and not daily. Sad to say, tomatoes are not as healthy for bearded dragons as for humans to consume daily as the nutritional profile of tomatoes is not as good for beardies as for humans and poses some health risks for beardies. But they can be given in small amounts once a month as an occasional treat, a salad topper, or mixed with their regular feed.

Tomato nutrition profile for Can bearded dragons Eat Tomatoes

However, all types (red tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, and grape tomatoes) of tomatoes have somehow similar nutritional value. Tomatoes are a good source of many minerals like potassium and vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin K that make them nutritious and healthy for humans but not as healthy for can bearded dragons eat tomatoes. The nutritional profile of tomatoes for bearded dragons is discussed in the table below:

Nutritional profile of tomatoes for reptiles (per 100g)

Calories 18 Kcal
Carbohydrates 3.89g
Protein 0.88g
Fats 0.2g
Water 94.52g 94.52g
Minerals Calcium 10mg
Phosphorus 24mg
Others Oxalates 26mg
pH 4.5 4.5
Nutrition Scores Ca:P ratio 1:3:1
Recommended amount small chunks once per month small
Health risks more more

Feeding tomatoes as a treat to bearded dragons


Types of tomatoes safe for bearded dragons

  • Fresh, raw, and ripe tomatoes can be given to the beardies Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes
  • Regular red tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, and grape tomatoes are safe for bearded dragons but in a limited amount
  • While unripe green tomatoes can be toxic as they contain a poisonous compound called solanine that can pose health risks for your beardie
  • Catomatoesn bearded dragons eat

Preparation of tomato treat for bearded dragons

  • Wash the tomato to remove dust particles, chemicals, and other environmental pollutants that can be harmful to the can bearded dragons eat tomatoes
  • Peel it off as the peel of the tomatoes also contains some nutrients. Peeling the tomato removes extra nutrients that may be not as beneficial for beardies
  • Cut the tomato into small chunks so that chocking can be avoided while eating and only a few chunks can be added to can bearded dragons eat tomatoes regular feed
  • Also remove the seeds, doing this also prevents the chocking and any other digestive issue can be avoided
  • You can give only a quarter of a medium-sized tomato or 2 to 3 cherry tomatoes to your beardies
  • Mixed the tomato with dragon regular feed or a calcium-rich diet to balance with tomato’s phosphorus content
  • Don’t feed tomatoes more than once a month to bearded dragons

What health risks do tomatoes pose for bearded dragons

Unluckily, giving more than the recommended amounts of tomatoes to bearded dragons can lead to health issues such as:

  • Low Calcium levels and poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio
  • Tomatoes contain less calcium and double the amount of phosphorus which is unhealthy for beardies. Along with this, tomatoes have a poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is 1:3:1. Phosphorus does not allow calcium to be absorbed properly which can lead to kidney stones. So, always mix it with high high-calcium diet before feeding the bearded dragons
  • High oxalate levels
  • Tomatoes contain more oxalate that also prevents calcium absorption along with phosphorus and can lead to calcium deficiency in your beardies
  • High acid levels
  • Tomatoes are rich in acid like citric acid. This acidic nature of tomatoes can cause digestive issues, diarrhea, and dehydration in bearded dragons. It also prevents the absorption of some nutrients
    High water content
  • Tomatoes contain 95% water content which is not very beneficial for beardies. As bearded dragons don’t need much water it can cause gastrointestinal tract issues like diarrhea
  • Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes


Moreover, it is concluded that tomatoes can be given to can bearded dragons eat tomatoes but only in a small amount. Don’t exceed the dosage more than once a month. To minimize health issues always mix it with calcium-rich feed.

Read also: Petfoodresearch

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are other parts of tomato plants safe for bearded dragons to eat?

All the parts of tomato plants except ripe tomatoes (fruit part) are unhealthy for beardies like unripe tomatoes, stems, and leaves. These unhealthy parts contain a toxic compound solanine that can cause serious health issues like problems with chewing, ingestion, digestion, and even death

Are worms present on tomato plants healthy for bearded dragons?

Mostly worms like hornworms reside on tomato plants and these make a healthy and safe treat for beardies to eat. So, they can be given to can bearded dragons eat tomatoes as a diet

Are tomatoes safe for juvenile bearded dragons

No, juvenile beardies should not eat tomatoes as these are not very healthy for them. Their diet should contain more insects, fewer vegetables, and minute or no fruits


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