Apoquel for Dogs: What Your Vet Won’t Tell You!

Apoquel for Dogs

Dogs are the most loyal and friendly pets. You as a pet owner take care of your pet dogs but some of them are prone to allergies and infections and need medications too along with proper dietary feeding. Veterinarians deal with dog allergies on a daily basis and recommend Apoquel for dogs its management. In this article, we will shed light on a complete study of Apoquel medicine recommended for your pet dogs.

What is Apoquel for Dogs? What is its Mechanism of Action?

Apoquel is an oral medicine that is given to dogs if they are suffering from allergies or other skin conditions like allergic dermatitis and show symptoms of infection, itching, and inflammation. Oclacitinib is the active component of Apoquel for dogs. It works as a Janus Kinase Inhibitor and targets and reduces the Janus Kinase enzymes which play their role in inflammatory processes and immune system activities as the signaling pathways. The Apoquel for dos Blocks these signaling pathways by reducing the enzyme secretion. It also effectively minimizes the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines which are responsible for inflammation and itching sensation during allergic conditions. This whole mechanism works by suppressing the symptoms of allergic reactions without compromising the immune system.

Apoquel for Dogs

When to Give Apoquel to Your Dogs?

Apoquel is an alternative to steroids and anti-histamines and is well tolerated and effective in allergic conditions. Consult your veterinarian for prescribing medicine like apoquel if your furry friend is suffering from these conditions:

Atopic Dermatitis

A chronic skin condition is caused by environmental hazards and is categorized by itching and inflammation. The apoquel medicine reduces its symptoms and helps to manage the condition.

Allergic Dermatitis

It is also caused by environmental allergens like dust particles, pollens, molds, or viruses. It is characterized by severe itching, irritation, and distress among dogs. It is also managed and treated with apoquel under the prescription of the veterinarian.

Contact Dermatitis

It occurs when your dog gets direct contact with pollutants and allergens. Your veterinarian will recommend apoquel in this condition too. Thus, it is understood that apoquel is mainly used when inflammation and itching are prominent symptoms in your

Administration and Dosage of Apoquel

  • For the ease of your furry friends, doctors made the apoquel in both tablet as well as chewable forms that can be administered with or without food to your 
  • The dosage of apoquel depends on your dog’s weight
  • It is mostly recommended to give your dog the dose of apoquel twice daily initially to reduce the symptoms immediately and then give once a day for up to 2 weeks for the proper elimination of the allergic condition
  • Apoquel for dogs shows effectiveness within 24 hours but it does not mean stop the medicine because its effect ends within 12 to 24 hours
  • Don’t overdose your dog if not show better results because it can lead to side-effects
  • Always consult with the veterinarian and share the progress of your dog’s health with him for rapid recovery and to minimize the sideeffects of overdosage

Apoquel for Dogs


Advantages of Apoquel

If using apoquel for the management of inflammation and allergies, it provides various benefits to your god which are as follows:


Most dogs easily tolerate the apoquel medicine with minimum side effects. They show better results in the improvement of their health when administered with apoquel.

Speedy Recovery

Most of the dogs feel good and show rapid relief from itchiness after taking this oral medicine. It provides effectiveness within a few hours of consumption and speedy recovery from the allergy.

Rapid Mode of Action

Apoquel hasa rapid mode of action in controlling and reducing allergic symptoms by reducing the JAK1 and JAK3 enzyme functions. It does not compromise the immune system of your dog and makes it healthy and free of allergies.

Flexible Usage

The apoquel can be used for the treatment of acute and chronic allergic conditions. Depending on your dog’s health condition, the veterinarian will recommend it for short-term use or maybe long-term use for suitable treatment and recovery.

Side-effects of Apoquel

Apoquel for Dogs

As every medicine shows some sideeffects, apoquel may also show sideeffects in some dogs along with its wide range of benefits. Some common sideeffects include:

  • Gastrointestinal problems like loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, or irregular bowels
  • Susceptibility to infections may increase because immune cells also get involved in the elimination of inflammation and the allergens become resistant to medicine. So, the chances of allergy risks increase
  • Abnormal levels of blood cells may occur as platelets may decrease in number and white blood cells may increase to fight the allergens during infection and inflammation
  • Some dogs may show adverse reactions like severe gastrointestinal symptoms and their immunity gets very low



The apoquel for dogs medicine should not be given to your dog if it has some health conditions like cancer. Because if your dog has a history of cancer and malignant tumors, the immune cells get triggered when given any medication like apoquel. Moreover, if your dog is pregnant, avoid giving medications and consult your veterinarian for another solution of the health condition. In addition, if your furry friend is suffering from another pre-existing health condition along with allergies and inflammation, consider and monitor the health of your dog while giving it the apoquel for dogs.

Alternative Medications

The apoquel for dogs is an effective medicine against allergic reactions but some alternative medications can also be recommended. They may include corticosteroids or cyclosporine. If your dog is not able to take medications or is suffering from another pre-existing health condition, topical treatments like ointments or creams are also recommended for recovery.


Apoquel for dogs is an oral medicine found in both tablet and chewable forms and is used to manage and treat allergies with symptoms of inflammation and itchiness. It is effective in reducing the symptoms within 12 to 24 hours and is mainly prescribed for 2 weeks for complete recovery. Also, avoid overdosage to prevent the reactions and sideeffects. Some dogs may show sideeffects like gastrointestinal problems or some other adverse reactions. So, always consult the veterinarian if your dog gets allergic and shows symptoms like inflammation along with behavioral change.

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