What do Turtles Eat

What do Turtles Eat

Turtles belong to the oldest reptile group even older than the crocodiles and snakes. The baby turtles eat only animal-based foods and when they grow and become mature, they become omnivores and can eat both plant and animal-based foods. They eat a diversity of diets as they can live on land and make their habitat in water bodies as well. On land, they can eat fruits, plants, or grass. While in water bodies they munch on small fishes, jellyfish, or algae.

If you are keeping a turtle as a pet and worried about its’ diet, you are at the right place to understand the feeding practices of your pet What do turtles Eat.

Keeping Turtle as a Pet

What do Turtles Eat  are very delicate creatures that are protected by their hard shell gifted to them by nature. Their care and protection are crucial to keep them as pets. Too much training is not necessary while keeping the turtles like other pets including cats and dogs. The maintenance of their tank, lighting, and diet is noteworthy.  So, you must know what to feed, how to feed, and the right amount of food for your pet turtle. Let’s discuss in detail the dietary preferences of your pet turtles and their administration.

What do Turtles Eat

What do Pet Turtles Eat?

The dietary habits of the turtles depend on their specie, size, age, and the environment where they live. As the adult turtles are omnivores, they can eat from both plant and animal sources.  A proper diet for an adult turtle should include animal foods like fish or worms and plant foods like fruits, roots, and vegetables. If you are keeping a young baby turtle as a pet, its diet should consist of more animal foods rather than plant foods.

Animal-Based Food Sources

In the wild, most of the turtles feed on prey like small fishes, jellyfish, feeder fish, worms, insects, crickets, moths, shrimp, and krill. So, in the enclosure provide them with these foods on which they munch. Meanwhile, you can also feed processed pet foods like turtle pellets, trout, and sardines. You can also give them human food like chicken, beef, and turkey but in moderate amounts and without additives and preservatives.

Plant-based food sources

The wild adult turtles munch on any plant they find near their territory. They can eat roots, herbs, fruits, or vegetables. They can feed on berries, mangoes, apples, or bananas among fruits.  While among vegetables, they crunch on leafy greens like spinach, parsley, mustard greens, collards, and dandelions. So, in the enclosure, provide them with all these fruits and vegetables which make them feel happy and enjoy their meal. Give them leafy vegetables in moderate amounts due to their oxalate content which can be harmful for your pet what do turtles eat. But keep an eye on them and check if any behavior change is noticed by your pet what do turtles eat


Strategies to Feed Your Pet Turtle

The dietary needs and body requirements of the turtles depend on their species, age, and size. You must know their dietary and body needs before keeping them as pets. If you are keeping an aquatic turtle as a pet, you should feed it in a water tank because it will not eat on land. Put the food in water and allow your pet to eat it by its will. In the case of land turtles, you have to give them food on land, on a flat surface, or rocks but avoid feeding them in water tanks.

Amount and Frequency of Feeding

As the feeding practices vary among different species of turtles, so, know your pet species first before making its feeding schedule. The young and baby turtles need more amount of food than the adult ones because of their increasing growth and development. So, feed your juvenile pet turtle about one to two times per day to satisfy its appetite and to fulfill its body needs. While, in the case of adult pet turtles, you can feed them daily or day after day. The amount of feeding also varies among different species of turtles

. Always feed them in moderate amounts and do not overfeed your pets. When introducing new food, gradually add it to their diet and notice if they happily consume it. If they avoid it, don’t feed them again to prevent any health issues. If you are feeding them with non-living food items or pellets, give them 15 to 20 minutes to eat them and then remove them from their enclosure or tank so that the tank remains clean and free from predators which will be good for the health and well-being of your pet turtle.

What do Turtles Eat

Alarming Signs

Your pet what do turtles eat shows some alarming signs if they are not properly fed and lack some nutrients in their diet like:

Vitamin A Deficiency

The turtles are prone to vitamin A deficiency if they are not fed with vitamin A-rich foods like carrots, bell peppers, and other yellow-orange vegetables. They may show poor appetite and don’t eat properly. There may be symptoms of eye and ear infections. In severe cases, their kidneys or lungs may be damaged. So, take proper care of their feeding especially vitamin A-rich foods to avoid any health concerns. Consult with your veterinarian immediately after the symptoms appear to manage it and follow the instructions carefully.


Properly cleaning the enclosure is very important to avoid to entrance of germs and other pests. Remove the leftovers after feeding your pet turtle. Also, clean the tank with proper precautions which will increase the wellness and health status of your pet what do turtle eat.


Turtles are very lovely creatures and are known for their slow motion and attractive hard shell. While keeping them as pets is a responsibility, their care and right feeding must be ensured for their well-being. The dietary needs and eating patterns of the turtles depend on their species, age, size, and their living habitat which will be either water or land.what do turtles eat

So, pet owners must research and know the turtle they are keeping as pets. The adult turtle can eat both plant and animal-based foods while the juvenile turtles feed on more animal foods. Provide their meals according to their needs and preferences and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any change in their behavior or any adverse health symptoms.

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